JCRC Community Newsletter Archives

JCRC and TBS Co-Host: "Community Beit Midrash" to discuss Rabbi Lau's Book!

The Jewish Community Relations Council of SNJ with Temple Beth Sholom presents: The Community Beit Midrash, Monday Evenings on Zoom where we will discuss Rabbi Binyamin Lau's Thought-Provoking Book!

Join area Rabbis from our community to discuss, "Jeremiah, The Fate of a Prophet", wri…

JCRC Hosted Local Jewish Leaders for A Discussion about Campus Life Today!

The Jewish Community Relations Council hosted "A Campus Conversation": What to Expect on College Campus Today!

The JCRC of SNJ gathered local leaders, students, and parents on Thursday, February 23, 2023 for "A Campus Conversation" about life on Campus today and what to expect! The event…

JCRC of SNJ & The Haddonfield Public Library Present "Understanding Israel"

The Jewish Community Relations Council of SNJ Presents "Understanding Israel" with the Haddonfield Public Library!

On Tuesday, January 24th the JCRC of SNJ with the Haddonfield Public Library presented, "Understanding Israel", a multimedia presentation allowing attendees to gain a deeper…

Schools Invite Raab Goodwin Center Speakers for Holocaust Education

The JCRC’s Esther Raab Holocaust Museum and Goodwin Education Center was invited with guest speakers Randi Stoopler and Joe Burke to speak to students at the Gloucester City Middle School about the Holocaust. Randi Stoopler shared her grandfather’s story, who was a Holocaust survivor.

JCRC Had Timely Panel Discussion on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

JCRC hosted a panel discussion commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Edison New Jersey

“Can We Talk: What do you really know about antisemitism?” was an informative panel discussion with Tameika Minor as Moderator and Panelists included: Carlos Medina, President &…