With the success of the ShinShinim program, the JCRC of Southern NJ has continued to partner with the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) with funding from the Zeff Family, to bring two new ShinShinim, Zohar Lechyani and Gil Zilberman to our community beginning August 2023 until August 2024.


Who are ShinShinim?

The ShinShinim are high-school graduates who choose to defer their military service for a year of service abroad. They are carefully selected, recruited, trained, and sent to Jewish communities around the world to share their youthful and enthusiastic Zionist spirits with diaspora communities. This program allows our community to meet young Israeli ambassadors and connect with them in a meaningful way through a shared sense of collective responsibility, global Jewish discourse, and collective Jewish consciousness. 


The ShinShinim share their love and knowledge of Israel through our community synagogues, Hebrew and day schools, and other local Jewish organizations. They make Israel accessible, and help Jews develop a strong, meaningful attachment to Israel. Together with our community, this is one of the important ways we are bringing Israeli culture, experiences, and connections to South Jersey. 


Meet our 2023-2024 ShinShinim, Zohar and Gil!


We’ve handpicked this years ShinShinim to be part of our South Jersey community. We’re excited to have Zohar and Gil here in our community, and they can’t wait to meet you. Here’s a little bit about them:

Become a host family! 


Are you interested in becoming a host family or know of a family in our area?


Click below to learn more!

Zohar and Gil at their JAFI training in Israel

Hear from our site supervisors on the impact of the ShinShinim program:


"It was a pleasure working with both girls. They were always prepared and willing to do any task I gave them. I will miss them!"
– Harriet Baker, Education Center Coordinator, Temple Beth Sholom


"Lia and Ella were such a wonderful integral part of infusing our program with yisraeliut! It was such a pleasure to have both of them with us, teaching the children new words, projects and giving them a glimpse into Israel in a way that couldn’t be done another way. Their warm and inviting approach made the children feel at ease and excited to learn! We thoroughly enjoyed having them with us this year and we wish them only the best in their future endeavors!"
– Ayelet Mittelman, Early Childhood Center Director, Congregation Beth El


"Kellman Brown Academy was so blessed to have Ella and Lia join us this year. They both brought so much ruach, ahavat Yisrael and fun to our school! They organized and planned lessons every week that our students found engaging and educational. They created relationships with our students at recess through teaching Israeli games and helped bring Israel’s holidays and culture to our community! Their warmth and laughter will be missed, and we wish them hatzlachah Rabbah as they return to Israel and to their next adventures!!"
– Eliana Seltzer, Jewish Life Coordinator, Kellman Brown Academy

Hear the impact of our ShinShinim for 2022-2023, Ella and Lia. 

Ella and Lia, our ShinShinim for 2022-2023, gifted our community a recipe book!

Contact Us


Sabrina Spector, JCRC Executive Director




Aaron Sauer, Senior Project Coordinator 


856-751-9500 x1404


Follow Our ShinShinim on Social Media!


Thank you to our partners and funders


The Zeff Foundation