JCRC Community Newsletter Archives

Israeli Tour Guide to Become Our Remote Community Shaliach

The JCRC of SNJ is excited to welcome Gil Bray, who will be our Remote Community Shaliach for the remainder of this school year. COVID-19 put a stop to Israeli emissaries being sent throughout the world, but with a little creativity and a generous grant from the Jewish Agency for Israel (JA…

Yom HaShoah Community Holocaust Commemoration

Wednesday, April 27 at 7:00 pm Abraham H. Foxman, a leader in the fight against antisemitism, bigotry, and discrimination and National Director Emeritus of the ADL - Anti-Defamation League, where he served for 50 years, will discuss current issues relating to the war on terrorism, global ant…

Dear Esther Back In Schools

Raab/Goodwin welcomes back in-person performances of DEAR ESTHER, the play by Richard Rashke, bringing to life the book, Letters to Esther. The book is based on a collection of children's letters received by Holocaust survivor Esther Terner-Raab after sharing her story with thousands of sch…

Government Relations: A Conversation on Iran and The Middle East

On Thursday, March 31, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Southern New Jersey hosted Dr. Eric Mandel, founder and Director of the Middle East Political Information Network (MEPIN), for a discussion on Israel’s Challenges for 2022: A Pivotal Year for Decisions. The conversation incl…

World Events and How We and Our Sister Agencies are Helping: Ukraine

The Jewish Community Relations Council of Southern New Jersey - JCRC partnered with Temple Beth Sholom in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and hosted a virtual Update from Krakow on the Ukrainian Refugees with speaker Jonathan Ornstein, Executive Director of the Krakow JCC, on Thursday, March 24, 202…