Sunday, October 13th - Lahn Social Hall, Katz JCC
9:30am - 1 mile Educational Walk
7:00pm - Program with guest speaker Shabbos Kestenbaum
Sunday, October 13th - Lahn Social Hall, Katz JCC
9:30am - 1 mile Educational Walk
7:00pm - Program with guest speaker Shabbos Kestenbaum
Restored Violins of the Holocaust Coming December, 2024
Amnon Weinstein, a master violin maker in Tel Aviv, had a lifetime ambition to collect and restore violins from all over Europe that were once owned and played by Jewish musicians who perished under the Nazi regime.
Learn about the Raab/Goodwin programs that have made a lasting impact on our community, now and in the future. Survivors, volunteers, and other community members share their stories.
Survivor and Children of Survivors Speakers Bureau
Professional Theatrical Performances
Video Conference Programs with Schools
Esther Raab Holocaust Museum Tours with Trained Docents
Student-Only Screenings of Recent Holocaust Movies
In-Service Training Programs for Educators
Guest Reader Program for Elementary Schools
Josiah Dubois Scholarship for Recognition of Students Working to Help Others
Community Commemorations for Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass), International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Established by the UN) and Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day)
Traveling Exhibit: The Holocaust and Genocide-The Betrayal of Humanity
For more information please contact Helen Kirschbaum, Esther Raab Holocaust Museum & Goodwin Education Center Director (856)-751-9500 ext 1249 or