Welcome to our ShinShinim Young Ambassadors:
August 2022 Lia and Ella, our ShinShinim, have finally arrived from Israel for their year-long stay with our community! We are so excited to welcome these two energetic and talented young ladies. They are here to infuse a love and respect for Israel to all ages during their stay and we certainly plan on keeping them busy. Contact us if you would like to be a part of their schedule/journey while they are here. Learn more and Become a Host!
Let us know If you would like to host the girls for a Shabbat dinner or tell us about your programs so the girls can come meet you and your group. Local families in our community are hosting our two visiting Israeli girls for some period of time while they are living and working within our community between their high school graduation and their service in the Israeli Military. We are privileged to have as a part of our community and we know you will be enriched by welcoming them into your home!