JCRC of Southern New Jersey Board & Staff


The Jewish Community Relations Council of Southern New Jersey (JCRC of SNJ) is the voice of the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey on issues of public policy, social advocacy, and community outreach. Our JCRC fosters constructive relationships within the Jewish community and among people of all faiths and cultures regarding Jewish and Israel oriented issues. We are pleased to present our dedicated Board and staff:

JCRC Board

Board of Directors



Alan Moldoff, President

Jeffrey Apell, Immediate Past-President

Steve Chervin, Vice President

Mark Kramer, Vice President

Jay Ruder, Vice President

Randi Stoopler, Vice President

Mindy Schorr, Secretary

Board at Large

Judy Alperin
Tracy Ann Bancroft
Gloria Back
Pamela Benedon
David Bercovitch
Leonard Berman
Richard Berman
Chris Boyd
David Bross
Zumi Brody
Susan Dermer
Tracey Diamond
Abe Ferdas
Barbara Flacker
Yaffa Fuchs
Bonnie Galam 


Curtis Golkow
Ross Goldstein

Carolyn Jacobs
Benjamin Landsburg
Dan Martin
Ashley Nechemia
Rena Platt-Goldstein
Haleh Rabizadeh-Resnick
Richard Selznick
Larry Snider
David Spector
Sabra Weinberg
Lynee Warszawski
Jason Whitney
Danny Wolf
Ronit Yanuskevich


Andrew Behrend

Robert Benedon

Neal Cupersmith

Karin Elkis

Rabbi Lewis Eron

Barnard Kaplan

Rabbi Hersh Loschak

“Nosay Aron” Award (“Ark Carriers” Award)


The inspiration for this award comes from the Book of Numbers 7:2-9. There was a special and important group of Levites that were appointed to carry the Ark, with the 10 commandments inside, as they traversed the desert for 40 years.


The Ark was incredibly heavy, but these Levites were able to bear the weight easily. The Talmud explains that HaAron Nosay ey Nosav, meaning the Ark actually carried the carriers. It was the sanctity of the Ark and the Tablets that inspired the carriers who carried the Ark and made it easy for them.


Here, our volunteers take on great burdens for the benefit of our community; but it is the importance of the burdens they bear that inspire their heavy lifting.


2020 Recipient - Marcia Baruch 


2021 Recipient - Pamela Benedon 


2022 Recipient - Barbara Rothberg

2023 Recipient - David Spector

JCRC of Southern New Jersey Staff

Sabrina Spector

JCRC Executive Director

Phone: 856-751-9500, ext. 1108

Email: sspector@jfedsnj.org 

Helen Kirschbaum

Raab/Goodwin Director

Phone: 856-751-9500, ext. 1249

Email: hkirschbaum@jfedsnj.org

Rhonda Shevrin

BookMates Director

Phone: 856-751-9500, ext. 1143

Email: bookmates@jfedsnj.org

Aaron Sauer

Senior Project Coordinator

Phone: 856-751-9500, ext. 1404

Email: ​asauer@jfedsnj.org

Conor Odell

Administrative Assistant

Phone: 856-751-9500, ext. 1138

Email: ​codell@jfedsnj.org