JCRC's Raab Goodwin Center Helps Local Schools to Strengthen Inclusive Curriculum!
The JCRC’s Esther Raab Holocaust Museum and Goodwin Education Center has been working with local school districts, including Cherry Hill, Haddon Township, and Evesham, on strengthening next year's school curriculum to be more inclusive. We are working to partner with these districts and others by offering them theatrical performances, speakers, teacher trainings, and special programming to enrich the district’s already existing curriculums. Learn More
Meeting with administrations in our local school districts will hopefully help to ensure that all students in the district are offered the same opportunities and the emphasis on combatting antisemitism and hatred of all kinds will have a stronger emphasis in all grade levels.
We have also been working with local organizations such as the Rancocas Valley Clergy Association that will co-host a 3 part series open to members of all 18 churches that are part of this group. This series will discuss the Holocaust, as well as present day antisemitism. Additionally, in collaboration with Camden County College, we will co-host a county-wide conversation on Hate In Our Community in October and registration for this special event should be opening soon.