Join us for our next Screening Event on March 23rd, 7:00pm at Temple Beth Sholom!
Students at Kellman Brown Academy interviewed five Holocaust survivors in our community as part of the Names Not Numbers project. This video will be shared, so we can all discover, as the Kellman Brown students did, the importance of learning from those who experienced life during the Holocaust and empowering us all to promise, Never Again.
Holocaust Survivor Testimony Series Screening Events Registration!
We Launched our first Screening of our Holocaust Survivor Testimonies Series on Wednesday, February 8th, 2023!
Our Raab/Goodwin Center Launch of the Holocaust Survivor Testimony Series was a great success. On Wednesday evening at Temple Beth Sholom, the screening for Erna Roth Anolik, z’ll, was well attended, and very moving and emotional for all. Jonathan, son, and Jennifer, granddaughter, were present for a Q&A after the event where several people shared good memories with Erna and the family shared some behind the scenes life memories that touched us all. We look forward to our next screening of Names, Not Numbers, Thursday, March 23rd, 7:00pm, also at Temple Beth Sholom! Register Here!
Many of the Holocaust survivors in our community have had their testimonies that recount their experiences during the Holocaust recorded by the USC Shoah Foundation. Knowing the importance of remembering the experiences of our community’s Survivors and finding ways to learn from them, over the past several months, JCRC's Raab/Goodwin Center and the Jewish Federation of Southern NJ have taken several of these testimonies and made them more personal by adding historical and family photos.
To honor the Survivors and learn about the consequences of hate and so many other important lessons the experiences teach us, we invite you to join us as we screen these videos and give the community the chance to hear these eyewitness testimonies. Following the screening of the individual testimonies, family members of the Survivors will answer questions from the audience.
See what the Jewish Community Voice says about the launch of the series:
Raab/Goodwin to share Holocaust survivor testimonies through community series!