JCRC's Raab/Goodwin Center and CCC Partnered for a Panel Discussion on Reducing Hate!
JCRC's Esther Raab Holocaust Museum and Goodwin Ecucation Center with the Camden County College's Center for Cultural Engagement, hosted "A Conversation on Hate", on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, discussing the growth of hatred and its consequences. The event brought together Christian, Muslim, and Jewish clergy joined by municipal and county political leaders to engage together and answer questions.
Our discussion panel included: Cherry Hill’s Mayor, the Honorable Susan Shin Angulo; Rabbi Jerome David, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Kol Ami; Jeff Nash, a former Camden County Board of Commissioner and Cherry Hill Township Council member; Waqas Khurshid, Imam of the Al-Nasr mosque in Willingboro, New Jersey; and Pastor Theodore T. Winsley Sr, “Pastor Ted”, chaplain to the Philadelphia Eagles, and author of, “View From The Endzone: Four Tests You Must Pass To Win In Life”.
This distinguished panel, moderated by Jack Pesda, Camden County College’s Center for Cultural Engagement's Director, discussed the growth of hatred against various religious, racial, and ethnic groups and the threats and violence that accompany it. Members of the panel offered explanations of the causes, spread, and nature of hateful behavior aimed at Asians, African Americans, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, and others, and proposed possible ways of addressing and reducing hateful behavior in our Southern New Jersey communities.
See what the Sun Newspapers had to say about our event!
Community leaders participate in panel on hatred - The Sun Newspapers.
Stay tuned for a video recording of the event coming soon here...