JCRC's Esther Raab Holocaust Museum and Goodwin Education Center assisted the Cherry Hill School District in their recognition of UN International Holocaust Memorial Day
All students in Cherry Hill in grades pre-K - 8th and also the District’s alternative high school were given the opportunity to create a butterfly in memory of the 1.5 million children murdered during the Holocaust. In the younger grades, while making butterflies, the discussion focused on the topics of diversity and inclusion. In the upper grades, their teachers shared the poem, "The Butterfly", written by Pavel Friedmann while he was imprisoned at Theresienstadt concentration camp and the real implications of unchecked hatred against “others”.
The butterflies will be on display in each of the schools throughout the District, the District Administration building, the Cherry Hill Public Library and in our own JCRC’s Esther Raab Holocaust Museum, serving as a reminder to all who see them of the senseless death of millions during the Holocaust and the importance of remembering and learning from this terrible time in our world’s history.
Read our Jewish Voice Article about this amazing teaching/learning moment in our community!
Cherry Hill school children commemorate the Holocaust - Jewish Community Voice
See below what the Cherry Hill Sun says about this amazing community program!
Cherry Hill students create butterflies for Holocaust Remembrance Day - The Sun Newspapers